Sunday, October 26, 2014

Run a Half-Marathon: CHECK!

Personal goal of completing a half-marathon before my Masters graduation: DONE!

I'm writing this a week after the actual race day and I'm still feeling the runner's high from finishing my first half-marathon. :) I've been looking up races, checking out prices and thinking about my 2015 running goals. This is completely different from my approach to running this past year, where races were only semi-planned/something that I stumbled upon. But before I run off on a tangent (!!), I'll do a mini recap of my feelings on this race (my first "big city" race experience).
Race day outfit!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

They call me "Crazy"

The other morning, I was getting ready to lace up for a morning run when I had a short and unpleasant interaction that ended with my dad calling me "Crazy". I felt stung because beyond the disbelief and lack of understanding behind the comment, there was also a hint of ridicule in the word. It only occurred to me then, that doing what I like to do can seem "crazy" to other people.

My immediate reaction was to think of all the reasons why I like to run so next time this happened, I would have a rebuttal.That morning run was fueled by this anger/feeling of not having my passion for running understood and after some reflection, I realized that I didn't need to explain myself.

Maybe I'm "crazy" for:
  • Paying money to run for 2 hours.
  • Wanting more kilometers rather than more shuteye.
  • Spending time to plan out my running routes.
  • Looking for music at specific bpm (beats per minute) for my running playlist.
  • Pushing my limits, both physically and mentally (especially the latter).
  • Venturing into the unknown to find a path for myself (literally, since I run to places I've never been by car).
  • Chasing the "runner's high".
  • Running around town when most people are just rolling out of bed.
My mom once told me that when someone doesn't like something, they will have no problem naming a zillion reasons why. On the contrary, when you really like something, you probably don't have a zillion reasons. This may be hard to believe, but think about it: if you genuinely like something, you Won't Need a zillion reasons to justify yourself to anyone. You do it for yourself and just because. (Aren't moms just so wise?)

So go ahead, call me "Crazy". I probably am. But I don't care.

No amount of reasons will justify why I run because the reason is simple. I Love To Run.