Sunday, November 17, 2013

Do I call myself a "Runner"?

Until recently, I've been hesitant to call myself a "runner". Just like I wouldn't call myself an "athlete", because I feel as though these labels require qualifications such as speed and strength. But since my first 10K, it's become apparent to me that maybe I am one of them, a "runner".

When I see other runners out and about in the evening after a long day, I think to myself: Gotta go join them! I enjoy running and I get excited when I talk about this hobby of mine. And I'm not even talking about just the numbers/times so much when I talk about my recent run with family and friends. Yes, I do mention that I met my goal (Fist pump!) but there's an emphasis on how exhilarating it felt and how happy I was running it. I'm passionate when I talk about why I like to run, just like I am passionate about my chosen career as an occupational therapist. So there's no more denying it, in my heart, I am a Runner.

I found this video called "The Runners" while browsing through Aeon Film the other day and it really resonated with me. My running time is my "Me time", and I get quite a lot of my thinking done in that alone time. This video is actually under Aeon's "Being Human" category of films, which I found to be so fitting in regards to how I view running as part of my life.

Why are you running today?
              What's the most important thing that has ever happened to you?
                             Are you in love? Have you ever been in love?
                                          What about the rest of your life?
               Would you like to have children?
     Who's your favourite person in the world?

Here's an article written by Ivo Gormley himself about why they wanted to interview runners.

I love the last runner's last words: So what's your next question? My next question is: Are there any "Good Gym" programs in Ontario? Ivo Gormley's "Good Gym" idea, is a social service with runners. Check out his Tedx video below!

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