On top of this, I've been promoting my fundraising campaign as part of the Sporting Life 10K for Camp Oochigeas the past week or so. I have set a goal of raising $250 to help send children with cancer go to Camp Oochigeas! ^_^
Camp Oochigeas (aka Camp Ooch) is a non-government funded camp for kids with cancer. They are also the only residential camp in Ontario that offers onsite IV chemotherapy treatments and blood infusions. With no government funding, they run off generous donations from people like you and me!
I believe that these children should not be defined by their cancer, and Camp Ooch is a place that lets them be kids! So that's why I'm fundaising for Camp Ooch!
Here's a link to my fundraising page for more information:
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Now I've never done running logs before, since a circle and small notes on my calendar have worked for me. But today was a very happy run for me, I'd like to make a note of it. :)
Run info:
Temp: 5°C
Weather conditions: Windy with some sun.
Road conditions: Wet sidewalks with lots of sections covered with puddles. Need ninja skills to hop around them, only to sink shin deep into the snowbanks bordering all sidewalks.
Distance: ~7.5k --I have a route that leads to waterfront area which is about halfway through, a nice reward for myself, before I have to battle some hills to get back home since I live in a "valley" area.
Thoughts along the run:
- This is going to be fuuuuun! Yup yup! Great fun! :D
- How could I forget that I live in a "valley" area, and the only way to get out of my street is uphill?
- Finally, clear sidewalk that I can run on. This hill is Nothing!!
- Downhill stretch coming up!
- Oh puddles... Wearing tights was a good idea today.
- Ok. People see me now, the weirdo running outdoors. I swear I'm not the only doing this!
- Fellow runner! Ok... She's crossing the road... Not even gonna look my way...
- More puddles? Ok. My shoes are getting wet now. >_<
- Why is my shirt riding up? Damn winter hibernation belly!
- Fellow runner! We nodded! Good job man! XD
- Ok, here comes the running on the road part...
- I can definitely ninja onto this thin curb!
- Damn it, how did I sink into the muddy bank? Now my shoes are definitely dirtied. >_<
- It's ok, I'll live. This actually doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would.
- Hey doggy! I'm gonna trot up this hill!
- This run definitely felt easier than I thought it would! I feel like my winter indoor training has helped! XD
Given the unpredictability of March weather, it may be awhile until I run outdoors again. Until then, I'll keep training indoors. >_<
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