While procrastinating from studying and looking for light reading, I've come upon some blogs that have made me look again and bookmark them. The concept of keeping a blog, a sort of online reflection journal, has always intrigued me but I've always been a person who has to take a while to decide and a bit slow to warm up to new things. I guess you can say that some of this "light reading" has played a part in motivating and inspiring me to finally start a blog for myself!
I'm currently enjoying the first year of my Masters in Occupational Therapy (MScOT) program and I find myself doing a lot of reflecting. It's partly because some of our courses require a lot of reflection, and also because self-reflection is something I have found myself doing naturally -throughout my life since highschool. Now that I'm just over 3 months into my program, there have been quite a few opportunities and experiences (both in OT and life in general) for me to reflect on. I'd like to use this blog as a way of getting these thoughts and feelings down and to act as a sort of journal to look back on when I graduate to see how much I will have grown (hopefully!). =)
Given my busy school schedule and my general slow-ness in getting my thoughts out in an articulate manner, I don't know how committed I will be to posting... Ah! There I go, setting myself up for failure eh? But I will try. I mean it. I WILL Try my very best! I want to be able to see how my way of thinking will be changed by this OT program and my life experiences along the way.
Reflections. Random musings. Photos. Metaphors of life... Here we go!
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