Monday, February 29, 2016

16 Runs with 16 Friends: February Update

This month's weather fluctuated a lot, and Ontario's had some sudden blasts of cold weather along with snowfall that sometimes turned into ice. Unfortunately, this meant that it was harder to get people to run with me. But I still managed to run outside a fair bit, even had a 3 day running streak at the beginning of February when it was unseasonably warm!

One of my new running experiences this month was running with Nike Run Club (NRC). I had heard about NRC's free group runs and training clinics earlier this year, and decided to try them out with a friend. Initially, I wanted to have all my "16 runs" be one on one meet ups, but I've decided to include this because it was a fun first experience for both of us and we have professional photos to prove it. I hope to be able to meet up with my friend one on one for a "Part 2" run later this year!
I've never run downtown in the evening before. Running with NRC has not only
allowed me to see more of Toronto, but in a different light! Literally. :)
My hands look funny here because I tend to ball my hands up into fists when I run,
and don't actually use the finger parts of the mitt. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Joining JP's Team!

I signed up to run the Ottawa Half Marathon last December and I thought I would just run it for myself. But then I met Jean-Paul Bédard during a fun run with Black Toe Running in Toronto, and I decided that I wanted to be part of #JPsTeam. Read on to find out why!

Monday, February 1, 2016

16 Runs with 16 Friends: January Update

Starting off my 16 runs with 16 friends with fellow Hot Potato and Runivore, Stephie!
Run with Friend #1: University District / Puente de Luz / Waterfront Trail (Downtown Toronto)
Date: January 1, first run of the year!
Temperature: Feels like -8C.
Distance: ~7K

Highlights from the run:
Being able to start 2016 with this girl was awesome! Our friendship has really grown since last January when we first met while recruiting for the Hot Potatoes relay team. Long story short: We connected when I Facebook messaged them about running in the Goodlife Toronto Marathon Relay together after reading Runivore's post about running their first marathon at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2014. Stephie said yes and the rest is history. I look forward to more running adventures with Stephie this year (including racing in Ottawa)!

Also, finally being able to run across the yellow bridge that I love was definitely a "cartwheel moment" for me. Too bad we didn't bring a camera! I first saw the "yellow bridge" during one of my trips on the GoTrain a couple years back and immediately fell in love with its design. The way the bright yellow stood out and how the shape acted as a stream of light in the midst of the blue and grey of the condos in the area. Soon after my first sighting, I searched it up and learned that its wonderful name, Puente de Luz, meant Bridge of Light! How appropriate!